So far in my book Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn my book takes place in different time periods. The book starts out in the late past when people still lived in caves and hunted their food manually. The main character is first presented as a young girl named May who is destined to be a mate of Lenar but doesn't want to, for he has no pity for anyone. Lenar, is the leader of the clan who brings the food and protects the tribe. He asks The Great Mother (sort of God to them back then) to have May as his mate, at first May is thrilled for Lenar is high ranked from the rest and she is not. By becoming Lenars mate her rank with rise, but she is not willing to marry someone for a rank but instead go out and find a way to be high ranked without having to be Lenars mate. On her journey she meets a boy from a different clan called "Ice Man" and feels a sort of attraction towards him but when they begin to fight for something that will rank only one of them higher in their clan, one of them dies. The story then changes to a story of Egypt slavery a few years/decades after the cave mans, where the main character is then presented as Tetisheri a girl who is sold to a rich family to entertain the rich people. She has the grift of singing which enchants the people who hear her. In this life time she also meats a boy from a different world called Taharq's and yet again feel a sort of attraction.
My predictions for this books is that it will change from decade to decade showing how no matter how many years pass the same two people (just different looks) keep meeting. I predict this because in the chapters I have read the first one starts with Prehistory & Egypt, 1280 B.C.C. My prediction is that the dates will keep changing and showing me how the same to people meet once again. In my opinion if the dates keep changing it would help me find the theme because I could see what was similar from the stories and pull main thing apart from the others.
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