So far in my book Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn in the section Egypt, 1280 B.C.E Tetisheri gets over her fear against the slave Taharaq. Taharaq voice was lost in a war when a derbies hit his throat later on in that section of the story he gets his voice back. Tetisheri feels a connection towards him and starts talking to him. Since at fist Taharaq was mute she felt as if a barrier was between them but once Tetisheri got his voice back they became more and more attracted to one another. When Ramose the enemy from the previous section returns from his voyage and sees how close they've become he gets jealous and mistreats Tetisheri. When Taharaq the slave sees this he acts on impulse and hits Ramose. He tries to run away but can't bear the fact to leave Tetisheri behind so he returns but in his return he dies. Tetisheri is sent to the dudgeon with a broken leg and is told by Ramose that she will be marrying him and since Taharaq was gone she had no choice. The next section of the book takes place in Athens,399 B.C.E the main charcter is now known as Haycinth a girl who can't dance or run for since birth her foot appears to be hurt but doctors can't find the source. Haycinth wakes up early every day to see a boy hunting which she calles wild boy in her head. And now she wants to go look for him in the woods but doesn't know if she is capable for she can't do much with her throbbing foot.
The conflict in these shorts stories is that every time that the two main character meet they always get separated by something. In the first story they are separated when they both try to bring the green or be that would rank them higher in there troop. And when they do the girl ends up going to her death. In the second short story they are separated because an enemy that loved the main character comes back and kills the second main character to be with her. It seems so far as if in every story they are reunited and once again broken apart by either an enemy from the past that always falls for the main character but the main character never loves him back but loves the second main character instead.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
So far in my book Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn my book takes place in different time periods. The book starts out in the late past when people still lived in caves and hunted their food manually. The main character is first presented as a young girl named May who is destined to be a mate of Lenar but doesn't want to, for he has no pity for anyone. Lenar, is the leader of the clan who brings the food and protects the tribe. He asks The Great Mother (sort of God to them back then) to have May as his mate, at first May is thrilled for Lenar is high ranked from the rest and she is not. By becoming Lenars mate her rank with rise, but she is not willing to marry someone for a rank but instead go out and find a way to be high ranked without having to be Lenars mate. On her journey she meets a boy from a different clan called "Ice Man" and feels a sort of attraction towards him but when they begin to fight for something that will rank only one of them higher in their clan, one of them dies. The story then changes to a story of Egypt slavery a few years/decades after the cave mans, where the main character is then presented as Tetisheri a girl who is sold to a rich family to entertain the rich people. She has the grift of singing which enchants the people who hear her. In this life time she also meats a boy from a different world called Taharq's and yet again feel a sort of attraction.
My predictions for this books is that it will change from decade to decade showing how no matter how many years pass the same two people (just different looks) keep meeting. I predict this because in the chapters I have read the first one starts with Prehistory & Egypt, 1280 B.C.C. My prediction is that the dates will keep changing and showing me how the same to people meet once again. In my opinion if the dates keep changing it would help me find the theme because I could see what was similar from the stories and pull main thing apart from the others.
My predictions for this books is that it will change from decade to decade showing how no matter how many years pass the same two people (just different looks) keep meeting. I predict this because in the chapters I have read the first one starts with Prehistory & Egypt, 1280 B.C.C. My prediction is that the dates will keep changing and showing me how the same to people meet once again. In my opinion if the dates keep changing it would help me find the theme because I could see what was similar from the stories and pull main thing apart from the others.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Native Americans
American Indians were marginalized and made to feel as if they didn't exist in 1879. They were marginalized when they took their land 1879, settlers and the U.S. Army had forced most tribes off their lands, and “white man” diseases had devastated the native population. America’s 250,000 remaining Native Americans were living on reservations, barely surviving on food and cast-off clothes provided by the U.S. government." This shows that the U.S. Army forced them to leave, making it hard for the natives to survive. They were made to feel as if they didn't exist when Henry Pratt stripped them of their culture in the school he made to make Native Americans become white people. "Pratt believed that the children needed to completely abandon their “Indian-ness” in order to succeed in America.“Kill the Indian, save the man,”was Pratt’s saying" This showed that Henry Pratt wanted to get rid of Native Americans and supposedly save the white man inside of them. The evidence above shows that American Indians were marginalized and made to feel as if they didn't exist by pushing them out of their land and stripping them out of their culture which made them feel as if they didn't exist.
The purpose for written Shanice Britton's essay is to inform us that what is said of the lifestyle of Native Americans is not true for some of the natives. "When people find out I am Native American, they have all these ideas about what that means- that I live in a teepee and wear moccasins and headdress.But those are misconceptions." This shows that when people hear Shanice is Native they immediately presume she dresses and does what Natives to daily when in reality she is just like us. Shanice wants her readers to know that just because they are native doesn't mean they can't be normal. "I am part of, Wailaki, Yuki, Pomo, Concow, and Nomalaki. We live in houses with electricity and running water. I take showers, watch Finding Carter on MTV, and wear jeans, just like any other teen." This shows that even though she is from a different culture she is just like us.
The purpose for written Shanice Britton's essay is to inform us that what is said of the lifestyle of Native Americans is not true for some of the natives. "When people find out I am Native American, they have all these ideas about what that means- that I live in a teepee and wear moccasins and headdress.But those are misconceptions." This shows that when people hear Shanice is Native they immediately presume she dresses and does what Natives to daily when in reality she is just like us. Shanice wants her readers to know that just because they are native doesn't mean they can't be normal. "I am part of, Wailaki, Yuki, Pomo, Concow, and Nomalaki. We live in houses with electricity and running water. I take showers, watch Finding Carter on MTV, and wear jeans, just like any other teen." This shows that even though she is from a different culture she is just like us.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
The Distance Between Us
The Distance Between Us by Kasie West is a love story of two whole different people that end up falling in love. Caymen is a poor girl that lives with her mom above a doll store, Xander is a rich boy that takes care of the businesses of his father. When the two meet they both feel attracted to one another and start hanging out with one another. Caymen feels something for Xander but resists on admitting, for her mother has always told her that rich people just use you for fun and then leave you when things start to get serious. When Caymen finds out a secret about her moms background, her mom finally becomes open to the rich and Caymen and Xander find the guts to admit to one another their love.
The main character in my book(Caymen) can be described as a Science wiz & a sarcastic kind of person. You can tell that she is a science wiz by the confidence that she has when she is talking about that subject. For example in the text it states " I can usually dissect a science equation easily" This piece of evidence shows the confidence that she has on the science subject. She can be described as sarcastic because in the text when Xander comes and tells her that he needs help picking out a doll from the dolls all around him in the store Caymen answers "Sorry, we are all out." This shows sarcasm because there are shelves and shelves around him filled with dolls and her answer is their are none left when in fact there are a lot.
Friday, April 3, 2015
The Distance Between Us

So far in the book "The Distance Between Us" by Kasie West Caymen a poor girl living above a porcelain doll store, meets a tall and handsome rich boy. Her mother always told her to stay away from them, for they are always looking for fun. When they've had their fun they end up leaving you, no matter who they hurt. Having experience with her own father who she never met, she stays away and has that in mind every time rich people stop by their store. But when Xander comes she finds herself leaving the warning behind and letting him break down her walls.
In the book the mother (Susan) of Caymen tells some words of the wiser when Caymen tells her mother that feelings don't cost anything. Her mother disagrees "Feelings, my dear daughter, you will perhaps learn one day, can be the most costly thing in the universe." I think that Caymen's mother learned this when she fell in love with her father (who later left both). This life lesson will probably affect her later on in the book because she will probably understand it when she is later in love.
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