My book Reincarnation by Suzanne went from the years of being a caveman to the present time in New York. The main two characters always died for a green gem. Every life time that passed by, the two would fall in love and every time a green gem appeared in there life, that would end them. Every life time they would be re-united and be broken apart once again. In one of the stories an old lady that has been there from the start told her "The jewel will come between the two of you eternally if your heart is not pure." In that story she didn't know what she meant and in the following she didn't either. That is until the present time in New York that they decide to leave the green gem alone and be together happily without the gem in there life. "The Earth and the vast, fathom - less universe- the mysterious green jewel sinning in the darkness- all there for them to share, as it had been from the start." In conclusion they main characters had to learn to share the jewel without it getting in the way of there love to finally be able to be together and leave peacefully.
The conflict in this story was that both main characters where separated from each other when a green gem would appear in each on of there lives. Every time that the gem separated them they were reincarnated again to try again. And every time they would be introduced to the green gem. It wasn't until they finally decided to leave it alone and just share it that they were left in peace to love one another. In conclusion every time that the main character let the green gem get in between them there love would turn to pieces and one would die and leave the other with the greatest pain ( the loss of a companion).
What I liked more about this book is that is was very vivid. You could picture everything that was happening around them. It also had strong words that would allow you the feel what the characters where feeling. But what really stuck with me the most is that with every life that passed the main characters would just fall more and more in love with one another. You would think that you would get bored of loving the same person every life time but for them it was different. They just fell more in love with one another. I would recommend this book to people who love a good romance book and would like to travel alongside with the characters through their love journey.